"Serendipity" Exhibition Images
©2017 ShuLin Wu/RHCHEN
Photography Art: RHCHEN
參展藝術家/ Participated artists:
Philip Sajet(NL)
Terhi Tolvanen(FI/FR)
Janny Huang Yokota(TW/JP)
張薇萱 Wei-Hsuan Chang (TW)
趙永惠 Yung-Huei Chao (TW)
陳郁君 Yu-Chun Chen (TW)
謝旻玲 Min-Ling Hsieh (TW)
許文賢 Carissa Wen-Hsien Hsu (TW)
李姿玲 Tzu-Ling Lee (TW)
王安琪 An-Chi Wang (TW)
王意婷 I-Ting Wang (TW)
吳采軒 Cai-Xuan Wu (TW)
吳淑麟 Shu-Lin Wu (TW)
策畫/ Organizer:吳淑麟 Shu-Lin Wu (TW)
攝影/ Photographer: 陳若軒 RoHsuan Chen (TW)
文字 / Copy writer:沈菲比 Phebea Chun-yi Shen (TW)
A traveling contemporary stone jewellery exhibition organize by Shu-Lin WU, and participate by 13 international artists. This exhibition will start its journey from Taipei, to Europe, Northe American from 2017 to 2018. Please follow us for the schedule and welcome come to visit us!